Asst. Prof. Ekrem Solak


☎ +853-85902762
⌨ T407


Academic Qualifications:

Doctorate               Gazi University, Turkey

2006-2010              Institute of Educational Sciences /English  Language  Education (Ph.D.)

Master's Degree    Gazi University, Turkey

1995-1998             Institute of Educational Sciences/English Language Education

Master's Degree    Gazi University, Turkey

2005-2006            Institute of Educational Sciences / Department of Educational Administration and Supervision

Bachelor's Degree     İstanbul University, Turkey

1990-1994            Faculty of Education/Foreign Languages Education / Department of English Language Teaching.



Academic Experience:

Associate Professor    İstanbul Aydın University / Faculty of Education

Associate Professor    Amasya University/ Faculty of Education 

Assistant Professor    Amasya University/ Faculty of  Education

Amasya University/Rektorate (International Relations Office, Head)

Faculty Board Member   Amasya University/Faculty  of Education ELT

Part time Lecturer      Hacettepe University/ Faculty of Education/ English Language Education,

Senior Lecturer, Turkish Gerdarmerie


Courses Taught:

Discussions on English Language Issues

English Speaking II

Thesis supervision


Research Area / Research Interests:

Applied Linguistics, TESOL, English Language Education, Teacher Education.


Some Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years):

1.SOLAK EKREM, Çakır Recep (2016).  Investigating the Role of Augmented Reality Technology in the Language Classroom.  Croatian Journal of Education, 18(4), 1067-1085., Doi: 10.15516/cje.v18i4.1729


2.SOLAK EKREM, Bal Gezegin Betül (2019).  Counter-effect of Refugee Movement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms.  World Journal of Education, 9(2), 22-30.

3.SOLAK EKREM (2018).  An Administrative Overview of English Language Teacher Education Programs in Turkey.  International Journal of Language Academy, 6(5), 70-76., Doi:


4.SOLAK EKREM, Çelik Selda (2018). Exploring the Linguistic and Cultural Problems Faced by Local and Refugee Students in Turkey. The Journal of International Social Research, 11(57), 425-432., Doi:


5. Çer Erkan, SOLAK EKREM (2018).  Examining High-performing Education Systems in Terms of Teacher Training: Lessons Learnt for Low-performers.  Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 7(1), 42-51., Doi: 10.5430/jct.v7n1p42


6.SOLAK EKREM (2017). Exploring the Role of Methodological Factors in Publishing Turkish and Foreign Journals. Journal of Education and Practice, 8 (6), 59-67.


Research Projects (recent 5 years):


1. BİDEB 2229 Scientific Activities Support Program, Training Course for Post-graduate Education Abroad, TÜBİTAK PROJECT, Trainer.

2. Investigation and Comparison of the Systems of Foreign Language Teacher Education in Turkey and Holland, Scientific Research Project Supported by Council of Higher Education.

3. The Investigation of Teacher Training Systems of China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Turkey, Scientific Research Project Supported by Council of Higher Education.

4.Developing a Platform for Training Community Interpreters through Wearable Technologies. Scientific Research Project Supported by Council of Higher Education.


Some Books or Chapters published in National/International Publishing Houses

1. SOLAK EKREM .(2020). Editor. World Englishes and Culture. Vizetek Publication. Ankara. ISBN: 978-605-7523-40-2

2. SOLAK EKREM .(2017). Assessment in Language Teaching.Pelikan, Editor: Ekrem SOLAK, Page Number: 217, English(Scientific Book).

3. SOLAK EKREM .(2016). Teaching Language Skills for Prospective English Teachers. Pelikan, Editor:SOLAK EKREM, Page Number 197, ISBN:9786059029520, English(Scientific Book).                            

4. SOLAK EKREM .(2021). Preparation for Listening Comprehension Exams in English [İngilizce Dinleme Sınavlarına Hazırlık].Pelikan, Page Number:309, ISBN:605527037, English (Scientific Book).                        


National/International  Book Chapters:

1. SOLAK EKREM .(2020). , Chapter Title: Socio-cultural Factors in Language Teaching in World Englishes and Culture. Vizetek Publication. Ankara.

2. Basics of ELT, Chapter title (Managing Language Classes) (2019)., SOLAK EKREM,ATA EROL,  Blackswan, Editor:Yaman İsmail, EkmekçiEmrah, ŞenelMüfit (Scientific Book )

3. Teaching Language Skills For Prospective English Teachers, Chapter Title (Teaching Listening Skills) (2016)., SOLAK EKREM, Erdem Gamze,  Pelikan, Editor:SOLAK EKREM, Page Number 197, ISBN:978 – 605 – 9029 – 52 – 0, English (Scientific Book)

4. Current Trends in ELT, Chapter Title (Professional Development in ELT) (2016).,Bal Gezegin Betül, SOLAKEKREM, Nuans, Editor: Assist. Prof. Dr. İsmail YAMAN Assist. Prof. Dr. Emrah EKMEKÇİ Assist. Prof. Dr. Müfit ŞENEL, Page Number 255, ISBN:9786055450861, English (Scientific Book).


Some of the Papers Presented at International Conferences and Published in Proceeding Books:

1.  Şen Figen, SOLAK EKREM (2019).  The Evaluation of  the Problems by the Teachers in the Teaching of Turkish Language to Refugee Students:  Sample of Province Kayseri, X. International Congress on Research in Education (ICRE), 1(1), 92 (Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation )

2. SOLAK EKREM, Bal Gezegin Betül, Çer Erkan (2018).  Linguistic and Cultural Influence of Refugees on Local Students.  V. International Multidisciplinary Studies Symposium, 1(1), 105-109. Ankara, Turkey. (Full text/Verbal Presentation)

3. SOLAK EKREM (2018).  Exploring the Linguistic and Cultural Problems Faced by Local and Refugee Students in Turkey. International Learning Teaching and Educational Research Congress, 1(1), 1.Amasya, Turkey. (Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation)

4. Çalışkan Nurcan, SOLAK EKREM (2018).  Examining the Views of 5th and 6th Grade Studentsand English Teachers towards Interactive Boards in Language Classes.  27th International Conference on Educational Sciences, April 18-22, 2018, 1(1), 4535-4537., Doi: 10.14527/978-605-241-229-9. Antalya, Turkey. (Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation)

5. SOLAK EKREM (2017).  An Overview of English Language Teacher Training Programs in  Turkey: A journey from Past to Future.  International Black Sea Conference, 1(1), 43-44. Samsun, Turkey. (Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation).

6. SOLAK EKREM, Avaz İbrahim (2017).  English Teachers' Views about the New Curriculum at the Primary Level English Classes in Turkey. International Black Sea Conference, 1(1), 66-67. Samsun, Turkey. (Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation).

7. SOLAK EKREM (2017).  Comparing Foreign Language Education in Canada and Turkey at the Early Education Level.  5th International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Education . June 12-14, 2017 Bangkok (Thailand), 1(1), 144-145. (Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation).

8. SOLAK EKREM,Çer Erkan (2017).  Examining High-performing Education Systems in Terms of Teacher Training: Lessons Learnt for Low-performers 26. International educational Sciences Congress(1), 492-493., Doi: 10.14527/9786053188353. Antalya, Turkey.(Summary Proceeding/Verbal Presentation).

9. SOLAK EKREM, Eser Oktay (2017). Examining the Dutch English Language Teacher Training Programs as a High-performing Education System. International Social Research Congress, 20– 22 April 2017 / İstanbul

10. Eser Oktay, SOLAK EKREM. Developing a 3D Virtual Reality Learning Environment byUsing Wearable Technologies to Train Public Service Interpreters. International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and E-learning .Budapest Hungary 14 - 15April2017.

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