Exploring the Portuguese Culture: A Portuguese Professional Photography Competition at the City University of Macau concluded successfully

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the City University of Macau successfully held a prize presentation ceremony for the Portuguese Professional Photography Competition on the 6th May. The competition aimed to encourage students to explore the Portuguese culture in Macau outside the classroom and further their cultural integration experience. The jury selected ten pieces of award-winning photographs in the two-year groups. The Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prof. Jin Li Xian, the Director of the Centre for Foreign Language Education and Research, Prof. Hu Bo and the Portuguese program teachers, presented the certificates to the winners.


The competition's theme was "Português em Macau". Participants were encouraged to photograph how they visualized the Portuguese culture footprints in Macau and include a written interpretation of their work in Portuguese. From the Ruins of St Paul's to the Stamp Museum, from the vibrant fairs to the sumptuous cuisine, the contestants captured the encounter of Portuguese and Chinese cultures in Macau from different angles. The jury selected dozens of pieces based on the photographs' quality, originality, and textual interpretation. Finally, Fu Yu Bin, and Wen Fei Fan, won the competition in the Year 1 and Year 2 categories, respectively. In addition, the most popular photo was voted by the students at the prize presentation ceremony, and the winner was Xie Fei, a year one student.

Fu Yu bin (Portuguese program year one student):

"I am honoured to participate in this competition and win the award. The competition also gave me a deeper understanding of the Portuguese culture and deepened my understanding of my major, the process was very interesting and a very meaningful experience." (Foi uma grande honra participar neste concurso e ganhar o prémio. O concurso também me deu uma visão mais profunda da cultura portuguesa e enriqueceu a (minha experiência universitária.)


Wen Fe fan (Portuguese program year two student):

"Sinto-me muito honrada por ter ganho este prémio e agradeço à escola por ter organizado este concurso de fotografia para que possamos participar." (I feel very honoured to receive this award and thank the school for organizing this photo competition for us to take part in.)


The competition was coordinated by Pedro Santos, Rafael Cuerva, Liu Jiayu and Daniel Jesus, teachers of Portuguese language in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, in the hope that the competition would enhance the students' understanding of the Portuguese language and culture, develop their self-learning skills through exploring their interpretation of the cultural footprints, and get to know and experience the beauty of Macau. Furthermore, it allows them to understand and appreciate first-hand the unique mixture that represents the city of Macau.

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