更新!第十屆“商驕”商務英語演講大賽 The 10th “Shangjiao” Business Presentation Contest


Application Form Download Link




      慶祝澳門回歸20周年第十屆“商驕”商務英語演講大賽的主題是“智慧城市”,參賽者須設計一個商業項目,以此來構築澳門的智慧城市品牌,提供澳門的國際知名度。        方案不可涉及博彩業。鼓勵但不強制加入多媒體元素,比如設計微電影項目,以創意媒體推廣粵港澳大灣區城市規劃建設。 


















2、澳港賽區參賽者,下載電子檔報名表,列印報名表填寫好個人資訊及貼上照片再掃描(下載位址:https://faculty.cityu.edu.mo/fhss/activity/467),填妥後,將報名表、演講稿摘要 (最多800字)、PPT(不超過15張幻燈片)、視頻創意(如有)及個人資料(港澳居民需身份證頁,內地及其他國家居民需通行證資料頁)電子版(可掃描或清晰照相)一併發至郵箱smartmacau2020@163.com。珠海賽區參賽者將參賽作品等資料交給分賽區大賽聯絡處。



















2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaJyqkg_aII&feature=youtu.be







The theme of the Contest is "Smart City". Competition teams must design and present in English a commercial project to build a smart brand in Macau and boost Macao's international reputation. The program cannot involve the gaming industry. Competition teams are encouraged though not compelled to use creative media and include multimedia elements, such as designing micro-film projects, in order to promote the urban planning and construction of The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.

        Participants must explain the video ideas, funding sources, promotion channels, etc. If the design project is a micro-film, the team also needs to provide 1-2 minutes of micro-video clips (similar to movie promotional videos).




1.     Sep 7, 2020 - Oct 24, 2020, Registration and Submission of Materials. Participating students should submit the completed application form (Download link:https://faculty.cityu.edu.mo/fhss/list-117/467), written project summary (maximum 800 words), PPT (no more than 15 slides), and video ideas (if any) to smartmacau2020@163.com. The competition time of each team is 20 minutes (including the question time).


2.     From October 24, 2020 to October 31, 2020 is the qualification screening stage. The expert jury will review the content of the speech and select the top 4 teams to participate in the finals.


Due to the high popularity of this competition in past years, the Tenth “Shangjiao” Business Presentation Contest has two contest divisions: the Macau/Hong Kong division and the Zhuhai division. The 4 top teams from the Macau/HK Division (Due to the impact of the epidemic, Hong Kong division will be absent from this competition)and the top 2 teams from the Zhuhai Division will compete in the final, for the grand championship, first runner-up, and second runner-up. A prize for most popular speaker will also be awarded.


The purpose of this contest is to encourage students from universities in Macau, Hong Kong and Guangdong to promote Macao, develop their own business creative thinking, improve business skills, English and communication skills, and enhance Business English. By participating in the competition, students will broaden their horizons, expand their career prospects, and enhance their employment competitiveness.


The final is scheduled to be held on November 8, 2020 (Sunday), at the City University of Macau. The champion, runner-up and runner-up will be selected on the spot, and the audience will vote for the most popular speaker. The award ceremony was held on the same day. Prize money: champion MOP3000, first runner-up MOP2000, second runner-up MOP1000, most popular speaker MOP1000.


Contest Rules

Registration and Submission of Materials:


(1) Participating students should form competition teams of 2 to 5 persons (maximum 5 members). Student team members can come from the same university or different universities.


(2) Participants in the Macao and Hong Kong Division must download the electronic application form, print it out, fill in the personal details and other information required, post their photographs on it, and scan the completed form (Download link:https://faculty.cityu.edu.mo/fhss/list-117/467). Hong Kong and Macao residents must include a copy of their ID card, and applicants from the mainland and other countries must include the information page from their passports. The completed application form, written project summary (maximum 800 words), PPTs (no more than 15 slides), and video ideas (if any) together with the identification documents should be scanned or photographed clearly and send electronically in one to smartmacau2020@163.com 


(3) The written project summary and PPTs must be written in English.


4. All participants must respect the decision of the expert judges.


5. All entry materials (including: text, images, music and any other electronic materials) must be original, not copy or plagiarized. Please mark if there is any references. If the participating team violates this rule, it will be deemed to have automatically waived.


6. Participants voluntarily transfer the copyright of their materials to the Macao Linguistic Society.


7. Contestants need to upload an electronic file of identification documents. Macau residents are the Macau resident ID cards, mainland residents and residents of other countries are the identity page of the Hong Kong and Macau Pass, and Hong Kong residents are the Hong Kong resident ID cards.


8. If the team that has entered the final and signed a contract fails to attend the final, it will be fined MOP 500.


9. During the competition, participating teams cannot add or replace players. If there is any violation of this rule, it will be deemed to have waived automatically and a fine of MOP 500 will be accepted.


10. Within the scope permitted by law, the event organizer has the final right to interpret this event


Past Contests Review:

2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaJyqkg_aII&feature=youtu.be




Open for Admission