☎ +853-85902295
✉ hmzhang@cityu.edu.mo
⌨ T210室
Academic Qualifications 學歷:
2016 語言學博士,卡耐基梅隆大學,美國
2011 教育理學碩士,賓夕法尼亞大學,美國
2009 經濟學學士,上海交通大學,中國
Professional Memberships 專業會員資格:
Member, American Association for Applied Linguistics
Member, International Association of Chinese Linguistics
Member, International Literacy Association
Member, Linguistic Society of America
Member, Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading
Member, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Journal of Educational Psychology (教育心理學SSCI頂刊)
Language and Education (語言學SSCI Q1期刊)
Applied Artificial Intelligence, Applied Psycholinguistics, Asia Pacific Education Researcher, British Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Foreign Language Annals, Frontiers in Psychology, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Journal of Research in Reading, Modern Language Journal, Language Learning, Learning and Individual Differences, PloS One, Psychological Science, Reading and Writing, Second Language Research, Scientific Studies of Reading, System, TESOL Quarterly
Academic Experience 學術經歷:
2024至今 澳門城市大學人文社會科學學院教授、博士生導師
2024至今 澳門城市大學人文社會科學學院應用語言學碩士、博士課程主任
2021-2024 華東師範大學外語學院教授、博士生導師
2021-2023 華東師範大學外語學院副院長
2020-2021 華東師範大學人文與社會科學研究院副院長
2017-2021 華東師範大學外語學院紫江青年學者、研究員、博士生導師
Courses Taught 任教科目:
Research Methods and Practices in Applied Linguistics (應用語言學研究方法和實踐), 澳門城市大學人文社會科學學院博士課程)
Analyzing Research Data (分析研究數據方法論), 澳門城市大學人文社會科學學院博士課程
Assessment in English Language Teaching (英語教學測試), 澳門城市大學人文社會科學學院碩士課程
Second Language Acquisition Research (二語習得研究), 華東師範大學外語學院碩士、博士課程
Bilingual Reading Development: Theory and Practice (雙語閲讀發展:理論與實踐), 華東師範大學外語學院碩士、博士課程
Language and Cognition: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics (語言與認知:心理語言學概論),華東師範大學外語學院本科課程
Introduction to Linguistics (語言學概論),華東師範大學外語學院本科課程
Language and Food: Food Linguistics (語言與美食:食物語言學),華東師範大學外語學院本科課程
Research Area / Research Interests 研究方向:
具體的研究領域:典型發展和讀寫困難兒童在語言和識字發展中的認知、語言和行為因素; 多語言閱讀習得中的跨語言機制; 分級閱讀評估及其計算機化應用。
Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years) 主要成果與著作 (近五年):
- Ma, X., & Zhang, H.* (2024). The predictive ability of Duolingo English Mock Test for Chinese college-level EFLs: Using assessment use argument. Frontiers in Education (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., Jiang, Y., & Xu, Z. (2023). Teacher-assessed linguistic and social abilities in Chinese children’s reading acquisition: A longitudinal study. Journal of Genetic Psychology. doi: 10.1080/00221325.2023.2284924
- Zhang, H., Hu, Z., Wang, T., & Sun, J. (2023). Sustaining linguistic heritage: An exploration of early Chinese input and biliteracy acquisition among Chinese heritage language students. Language and Education. doi: 10.1080/09500782.2023.2288638
- Sun, J., Zhao, J., Peng, Y., Chen, S., Li, J., & Zhang, H.* (2023). Can L2- L3 cognates affect L3 vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension? – Evidence from Chinese learners of L3 French. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. doi: 10.1080/01434632.2023.2281390 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., Xu, Z., & Xu, X. (2023). Morphological awareness in arithmetic word-problem solving among Chinese early adolescent students. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.
- Zhang, X., Xu, H., Zhang, H.*, Wang, C., Sun, J., & Pei, Z.* (2023). Early reading profiles of L2 English learners: How orthographic knowledge predicts reading comprehension. Journal of Cognitive Psychology. doi:10.1080/20445911.2023.2247610 (*corresponding author)
- Wang, T., & Zhang, H.* (2023). Examining the dimensionality of morphological knowledge and morphological awareness and their effects on second language vocabulary knowledge. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1207854. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1207854 (*corresponding author)
- Achugar, M., Zhang, H., & Martín Sáez, G. (forthcoming). Reading development in Spanish as a heritage language. In K. Koda & R. Miller (Eds.), The Rout- ledge handbook of second language acquisition and reading (pp. XX-XX). New York: Routledge.
- Lin, J., & Zhang, H.* (2023). How phonological and orthographic decoding com- plicates the simple view of reading in Chinese: Examining mediation through listening comprehension. Cognitive Processing. doi:10.1007/s10339-023-01143- 3 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., Lin, J., Cheng, X., Wang, C., & Wei, X. (2023). Concurrent and longitudinal contributions of phonological awareness to early adolescent Chinese reading acquisition. The Journal of General Psychology, 150(3), 278-294. doi:10.1080/00221309.2022.2047003
- Peng, Y., Sun, J., Quan, J., Wang, Y., Lü, C., & Zhang, H.* (2023). Predicting Chinese EFL learners’ human-rated writing quality in argumentative writing through multidimensional computational indices of lexical complexity. Assessing Writing, 56, 100722. doi:10.1016/j.asw.2023.100722 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., Cheng, X., & Lin, J. (2023). Early home and community support in later Chinese heritage language literacy development. In D. Zhang & R. Miller (Eds.), Crossing boundaries in researching, understanding, and improving language education (pp. 103-120). Berlin, Germany: Springer.
- Hu, Z., & Zhang, H.* (2023). Non-selective language activation in L2 lexical inference and text comprehension: Comparing skilled and less-skilled readers. Heliyon, 9(1), e12818. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e12818 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H.*, Sun, J., Han, Y., & Yin, S.* (2022). Morphological and cognate awareness in L2 Japanese reading acquisition: Evidence from Chinese-speaking learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. doi:10.1080/13670050.2022.2157203 (*corresponding author)
- Lin, J., Zhang, H.*, & Lin, X. (2022).Prosodic transfer in English literacy skills among Chinese elementary-age students: Controlling for non-verbal intelligence. Journal of Intelligence, 10, 114. doi:10.3390/jintelligence10040114 (*corresponding author)
- Cheng, X., & Zhang, H.* (2022). Contributions of metalinguistic awareness and lexical inference to reading comprehension in upper-elementary Chinese students. Journal of Research in Reading. doi:10.1111/1467-9817.12415 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., Lin, J., Cheng, X., & Li, J. (2022). The dimensionality of morpho- logical awareness in reading comprehension among Chinese early adolescent readers. PLoS One, 17(10), e0276546. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0276546
- Wang, T., & Zhang, H.* (2022). Contributions of morphological awareness and lexical inferencing ability to L2 vocabulary knowledge among Chinese EFL learners: A structural equation modeling analysis. Applied Linguistics Review. doi:10.1515/applirev-2022-0022 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Wang, C., Sun, J., & Pei, Z.* (2022). Word knowledge in L2 Chinese lexical inference: A moderated path analysis of heritage status and instructional level. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 869368. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.869368
- Zhang, H., & Pei, Z. (2022). Word knowledge dimensions in L2 lexical inference: Testing vocabulary knowledge and partial word knowledge. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. doi:10.1007/s10936-021-09831-x
- Zhang, H., Han, Y., Zhang, X., & Cui, L. (2022). Frequency, dispersion and abstractness in the lexical sophistication analysis of a learner-based word bank: Dimensionality reduction and identification. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, 29(2), 195-211. doi:10.1080/09296174.2020.1782716
- Zhang, H., Zhang, X., Li, M., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Morphological awareness in L2 Chinese reading comprehension: Testing of mediating routes. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 736933 doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.736933
- Lin, J., & Zhang, H.* (2021). Cross-linguistic phonological awareness and phono- logical recoding in Chinese reading development among early adolescent students: A yearlong study. The Journal of General Psychology. doi:10.1080/00221309.2021.1922345 (*corresponding author)
- Zhang, H., & Koda, K. (2021). Early oral language in Chinese heritage language reading development. Foreign Language Annals, 54(4), 1107-1123. doi:10.1111/flan.12562
- Zhang, H. (2021). The longitudinal effect of morphological awareness on higher- order literacy skills among college L2 learners. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 65, 101969. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2021.101969
- Zhang, H., Cheng, X., & Cui, L. (2021). Progress or stagnation: Academic assessments for sustainable education in rural China. Sustainability, 13(6), 3248. doi:10.3390/su13063248
- Zhang, H., Han, Y., Cheng, X., Sun, J., & Ohara, S. (2021). Unpacking cross- linguistic similarities and differences in third language Japanese vocabulary development among Chinese college students. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. doi:10.1080/01434632.2020.1865987
- Zhang, H., & Lin, J. (2021). Morphological knowledge in second language reading comprehension: Examining mediation through vocabulary knowledge and lexical inference. Educational Psychology, 41(5), 563-581. doi:10.1080/01443410.2020.1865519
- Zhang, H., Cui, L., & Zhang, X. (2021). Multicultural awareness and foreign language learning among Chinese college students: A one-year longitudinal investigation. International Journal of Multilingualism, 18(3), 370-383. doi:10.1080/14790718.2019.1680680
- Zhang, H., & Koda, K. (2020). Cross-linguistic morphological awareness in Chinese heritage language reading acquisition. Journal of Psycholinguistic Re- search, 50(2), 335-353. doi:10.1007/s10936-020-09722-7
- Zhang, H., & Zou, W. (2020). Morphological intervention in promoting higher- order reading abilities among college-level second language learners. Sustain- ability, 12(4), 1465. doi:10.3390/su12041465
- Zhang, H. (2020). Testing reciprocity between lexical knowledge and reading comprehension among Chinese children: A cross-lagged panel analysis. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35(4), 911-930. doi:10.1007/s10212- 020-00462-9
- Zhang, H., Koda, K., Han, Y., & Lin, J. (2019). Word-general and word-specific knowledge in L2 Chinese lexical inference: An exploration of word learning strategies. System, 87, 102146. doi:10.1016/j.system.2019.102146
- Zhang, H., & Xuan, W. (2019). Word knowledge in academic literacy skills among collegiate ESL learners. Applied Linguistics Review, 10(2), 201-218. doi:10.1515/applirev-2017-0057
- Zhang, H. (2019). Understanding learners’ vocabulary profiles in L2 Chinese classrooms. In F. Yuan & S. Li (Eds.), Classroom-based research on Chinese as a second language (pp. 170-189). London/New York: Routledge.
- Zhang, H. & Koda, K. (2019). Enhancing lexical sophistication through IC skills training in low-intermediate Chinese as a foreign language in the U.S. In K. Koda & J. Yamashita (Eds.), Reading to learn in a second language: An integrated approach to FL instruction and assessment. (pp. 180-190). Lon- don/New York: Routledge.
- Zhang, H., & Koda, K. (2019). Heterogeneity of early language experiences and word-knowledge development in Chinese as a heritage language learners. In X. Wen & X. Jiang (Eds.), Studies on learning and teaching Chinese as a second language (pp. 14-37). London/New York: Routledge.
- Zhang, H. (2019). L1 orthography in L2 Chinese morphological awareness: An investigation of alphabetic and abugida readers. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 48(1), 117-127. doi:10.1007/s10936-018-9593-4
- Ma, D., Yao, T., & Zhang, H. (2018). The effect of third language learning on language aptitude among English-major students in China. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39(7), 590-601. doi:10.1080/01434632.2017.1410162
- Zhang, H., & Koda, K. (2018). Word-knowledge development in Chinese as a heritage language (CHL) learners: A comparative study. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 40(1), 201-223. doi:10.1017/S0272263116000450
- Zhang, H., & Koda, K. (2018). Vocabulary knowledge and morphological aware- ness in Chinese as a heritage language (CHL) reading comprehension ability, Reading and Writing, 31(1), 53-74. doi:10.1007/s11145-017-9773-x
- Li, Q., Zhang, H., & Taguchi, N. (2017). The use of mitigation devices in heritage learners of Chinese. Heritage Language Journal, 14(2), 150-170.
- Ma, D., Yu, X., & Zhang, H. (2017). Word-level and sentence-level automaticity in English as a foreign language (EFL) learners: A comparative study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46(6), 1471-1483. doi:10.1007/s10936-017- 9509-8
- Taguchi, N., Zhang, H., & Li, Q. (2017). Pragmatic competence of heritage language learners of Chinese and its relationship to social contact. Chinese as a Second Language Research, 6(1), 7-37. doi:10.1515/caslar-2017-0002
- Zhang, H., & Zhuang, B. (2017). Multi-faceted morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge in English as a second language learners: A multivariate analysis. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 40(1), 42-55. doi:10.1515/cjal- 2017-0003
- Zhang, H. (2017). Development of morphological awareness in young Chinese readers: Comparing poor comprehenders and good comprehenders. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 33(2), 187-197. doi:10.1080/10573569.2016.1145562
- Zhang, H. (2016). Early language input and later literacy development in Chinese as a heritage language (CHL) learners. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 26(3), 437-448. doi:10.1111/ijal.12146
- Zhang, H. S. (2016). Does morphology play an important role in L2 Chinese vocabulary acquisition? Foreign Language Annals, 49(2), 384-402. doi:10.1111/flan.12193
- Zhang, H. (2016). Concurrent and longitudinal effects of morphological awareness on reading comprehension among Chinese-speaking children. Reading Psychology, 37(6), 867-884. doi:10.1080/02702711.2015.1133463
- Zhang, H. S., & van Compernolle, R. A. (2016). Learning potential and the dynamic assessment of L2 Chinese grammar through elicited imitation. Language and Sociocultural Theory, 3(1), 99-120. doi:10.1558/lst.v3i1.27549
- Zhang, H. (2016). Morphological awareness in literacy acquisition of Chinese second graders: A path analysis. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45(1), 103-119. doi:10.1007/s10936-014-9327-1
- Zhang, H. S. (2015). Morphological awareness in vocabulary acquisition among Chinese-speaking children: Testing partial mediation via lexical inference ability. Reading Research Quarterly, 50(1), 129-142. doi:10.1002/rrq.89
- van Compernolle, R. A., & Zhang, H. S. (2014). Dynamic assessment of elicited imitation: A case analysis of an advanced L2 English speaker. Language Testing, 31(4), 395-412. doi:10.1177/0265532213520303
Research Projects (recent 5 years) 研究項目(近五年):
北京中科博阅教育科技有限公司-華東師範大學橫向課題 (2023-2025)