☎+853 85902770
✉ junminliu@cityu.edu.mo
⌨ T210室
Academic Qualifications 學歷:
澳大利亞國立大學, 跨學科跨文化研究 Ph.D. 2023
紐約市哥倫比亞大學, 東亞語言文化 M.A. 2018
北京大學, 中國語言文學 B.A. 2016
Courses Taught 任教科目:
GEF005: Chinese Language and Culture (undergraduate level)
MCM007: Intangible Cultural Heritage Studies (graduate level)
MAL122: Vocabulary and Grammar Theory and Practice (graduate level)
MCM010: Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultures (graduate level)
MAL121: TCSOL Pedagogy (graduate level)
DCI013: Frontiers of Aesthetic Theories (doctoral level)
Research Area / Research Interests 研究方向:
Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years) 主要成果與著作 (近五年):
Edited book
1. Liu, J. & Cheng, F. (Eds.) (under contract), Chinese Borderlands in Transition: Mobility, Penetration, and Transformation. Amsterdam University Press.
Journal articles (* corresponding author)
2. Liu, J. (forthcoming). Ethnicity negotiation of Yi migrants in Shenzhen: through the lens of family life. The Journal of the Society for Asian Humanities.
3. Yan, W., Liu, J.* & Zhu, Y. (2023). Honeymoon Tourism as Romantic Consumption in China. Via Tourism Review, 24.
4. Zhou, Y. & Liu, J. (2023). The Predicament of Suzhou Embroidery: Implications of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China. TEXTILE - Cloth and Culture, https://doi.org/10.1080/14759756.2023.2228024 [AHCI]
5. Zhu, Y. & Liu, J. (2021). Cultural Reproduction: Ethnic Festivals as Intangible Cultural Heritage in China. Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 44(3), 415–428. https://doi.org/10.1080/07053436.2021.1999090 [ESCI]
6. Liu, J. (2019). Philology and Folklore Studies on Nan Yue biji (Notes on the Southern Yue Region) (in Chinese). Literary Anthropology Studies, 2019 Issue No. 1, pp. 127-142.
Book chapters
7. Liu, J. (forthcoming). Reconstructing the Yi identity through popular music and social media in China. In Ana-Maria Herman (Ed.), Mobile Heritage: Practices, Interventions, Politics. Routledge.
8. Liu, J. & Zhu, Y. (forthcoming). Critical Issues in Ethnic Heritage and Tourism. In J-M. Garcia-Fuentes, M. Di Giovine, & T. Majewski (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Heritage and Tourism. Routledge.
9. Zhu, Y. & Liu, J. (forthcoming). Intangible Cultural Heritage as Co-creation: Challenges, Pathways and Conditions. In A. Edmundson & M. Haviland (Eds.), Co-creation and Collaboration in Museums, Heritage and the Arts. Routledge.
Conference papers
10. Liu, J. (2022). Heritage as Social Action and the Politics of Recognition: Revisit Intangible Cultural Heritage in China (in Chinese). In Z. Peng, C. Wei, Z. Li, & X. Wei (Eds.), Anthropology towards the Future of Mankind (Advanced Forum of Anthropology 2021), Heilongjiang People’s Publishing House, pp. 346-355.
11. Liu, J. (2019). The Custom of Sacrifice in the Collecting Episodes in Ernan (in Chinese). Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Innovation and Education, Law and Social Sciences (IELSS 2019), Shenyang, China. https://doi.org/10.2991/ielss-19.2019.43
Book reviews
12. Liu, J. (2023). Book review: Diaspora space-time: transformations of a Chinese emigrant community, by Anne-Christine Trémon. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022. China Perspectives/Perspectives Chinoises (133), pp. 91-92. [SSCI]
13. Liu, J. (2023). Book review: Affective Geographies and Narratives of Chinese Diaspora, edited by M. Yunzi Li & R. T. Tally Jr. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Spring 2023 issue, 77-1, pp. 107-109.
14. Zang, X. & Liu, J. (2021). Book review: Heritage Tourism: From Problems to Possibilities, by Zhu, Y. (2021) (in Chinese). Online at: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XCk8QZPUDfKhCv6gR0JFdw
Honors and Awards:
Winner of College of Arts and Social Sciences 3 Minute Thesis Competition, Australian National University, 2022
Excellence in Teaching Award, Teach for China, 2019
Award for Academic Excellence, Peking University, 2016