☎ +853-85902304
✉ rfeng@cityu.edu.mo
⌨ T210
Academic Qualifications 學歷:
2019-2023 上海交通大學 新聞傳播學博士
2016-2019 廈門大學 廣告學碩士
2012-2016 武漢大學 英語語言文學學士
Professional Memberships 專業會員資格:
國際傳播協會(International Communication Association)會員
國際媒介與傳播研究學會(International Association of Media Communication Research)會員
Academic Experience 學術經歷:
學術期刊審稿:International Journal of Business Communication (SSCI), Current Psychology (SSCI), Telematics and Informatics Reports (Scopus)
學術會議審稿:International Communication Association, International Association of Media Communication Research
Courses Taught 任教科目:
DCI006 文化與品牌研究
DCI011 社會學理論與方法
DCI004 文化生產的組織與規則
Research Area / Research Interests 研究方向:
Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years) 主要成果與著作 (近五年):
[1] Feng, R*., Feng, Y., and Ivanov, A. (2022). Social media as online shelter: Psychological relief in COVID-19 pandemic diaries. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 882264.
[2] Feng, R*., and Ivanov, A. (2022). Gender differences in emotional valence and social media content engagement behaviors in pandemic diaries: An analysis based on microblog texts. Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 34.
[3] Feng, R*., & Ivanov, A. (2023). Does a generational gap exist in online shopping attitudes? A comparison of Chinese consumer generations from the media system dependency perspective. Telematics and Informatics Reports, 12, 100106.
[4] Feng, Y*., Feng, R., and Liu, Y. (2023). Social media promotion, risk perception, and parental support for adolescent girls’ HPV vaccination: Taking consideration of future consequences and sexual attitudes as moderators. Health Care for Women International, 1-14.
[1] Feng, R., and Zhang, L. (2023). Motherhood empowerment in digital media: How is mommy blogs use associated with the mental health of mothers of young children?. Article presented at the 106th Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference.
[2] Feng, R. (2023). Women empowerment advertising discourse and female role representation in China: A comparative content analysis from 1995 to 2022. Article presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Annual Conference.
[3] Zhang, L., and Feng, R. (2023). Mommy blog media attention of expectant mothers, pregnancy self-efficacy, and pregnancy-related body image anxiety: Could feminist beliefs be a moderating factor? Work in progress accepted at the 73rd International Communication Association Annual Conference.
Research Projects (recent 5 years) 研究項目(近五年):
[1] 主持:導學互動對人文社科研究生學術寫作拖延行為的影響機制研究,上海交通大學教學發展中心學生促教基金 (2023).
[2] 參與:Health Communication Research on Reproductive Longevity and Equality, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and National University of Singapore (2022-2024).