賈晉華 特聘教授





美國科羅拉多大學波德分校 比較文學專業 哲學博士



澳門大學哲學及宗教學系 兼職教授

武漢大學中國傳統文化研究中心 研究員



  1. 中國文學、宗教、哲學研究
  2. 女性及性別研究
  3. 古代文獻研究





  1. Gender, Power, and Talent: Daoist Priestesses in Tang China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
  2. The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth- through Tenth-Century China. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006; paperback, 2007. 英文編著
  3. Traditional Chinese State Ritual System of Sacrifice to Mountain and Water Spirits. Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2022. 主編。
  4. Li Zehou and Confucian Philosophy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2018。安樂哲、賈晉華編。
  5. Gendering Chinese Religion: Subject, Identity, and Body. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2014. 賈晉華、康笑菲、姚平編。



  1. 《古典禅研究:中唐より五代に至る禅宗の発展についての新研究》。村田みお譯,齋藤智寛監譯。東京:汲古書院,2017.



  1. 《從禮樂文明到古典儒學》。上海:東方出版中心,2020。國家出版基金項目。
  2. 《古典禪研究: 修訂版》,收當代中國哲學叢書. 上海:上海人民出版社,2013。
  3. 《古典禪研究》。牛津及香港: 牛津大學出版社,2010。
  4. 《唐代集會總集與詩人群研究》。北京:北京大學出版社,2001;第二版,收博雅文學論叢,2015。
  5. 《唐五代文學編年史: 五代卷》。賈晉華、傅璇琮著。遼寧:遼海出版社,1998;修訂版,2013。獲中國圖書獎。
  6. 《皎然年譜》。厦門:厦門大學出版社,1992(獲福建省優秀著作獎)。
  7. 《中國宗教研究新視野》,宗教文化出版社,2020。賈晋華、白照杰編
  8. 《社會責任與個體價值:儒學倫理學的現代啓示》,齊魯書社,2019。賈晋華、曾振宇編。
  9. 《新語文學與早期中國研究》。上海:上海人民出版社,2018,賈晋華、陳偉、王小林、來國龍編。
  10. 《李澤厚與儒家哲學》。上海:上海人民出版社,2017。安樂哲、賈晋華編。
  11. 《融合之迹:佛教與中國傳統》。上海:上海人民出版社,2017。賈晋華編。
  12. 《香港所藏古籍書目》。上海:上海古籍出版社,2003;主編(獲華東地區古籍獎)。
  13. 《唐才子傳校箋》。北京:中華書局,1990;第4册第10卷執筆者。



  1. 《康達維譯注文選賦卷》。3冊。上海:上海古籍出版社,2020。賈晉華等譯。
  2. 《晚唐: 九世紀中葉的中國詩歌》。北京:三聯書店,2011;賈晋華、錢彥譯
  3. 《盛唐詩》。北京:三聯書店,2004;重印:臺北,聯經出版公司,2007. 賈晉華譯。
  4. 《初唐詩》。北京:三聯書店,2004;重印:臺北,聯經出版公司,2007. 賈晉華譯。



  1. “Religious and Ethical Conception of Xiao-Filiality in Pre-Imperial China.” Religions 15: 174 (2024), https://doi.org/10.3390/rel15020174. A&HCI
  2. “The Dating of the Zutang ji and the Shaping of Classical Chan Literature and History.” The Eastern Buddhist 3.1 (2023): 1-35. A&HCI
  3. “Translation and Interaction: A New Examination of the Controversy over the Translation and Authenticity of the Śūraṃgama-sūtra.” Religions 2022, 13 (6), 474, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13060474. A&HCI
  4. “Shu-Considerateness and Ren-Humaneness: The Confucian Silver Rule and Golden Rule.” Journal of Value Inquiry 56.1 (01/2022), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10790-021-09879-x. A&HCI
  5. “From Ritual Culture to the Classical Confucian Conception of Yì.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20.4 (2021): 531–547. A&HCI
  6. “Formation of the Traditional Chinese State Ritual System of Sacrifice to Mountain and Water Spirits.” Religions, 2021, 12, 319, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12050319. A&HCI
  7. “Writings, Emotions, and Oblations: The Religious-Ritual Origin of the Classical Confucian Conception of Cheng (Sincerity).” Religions 2021, 12, 382, https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12060382. A&HCI
  8. “The Classical Confucian Conception of Heaven's Mandate.” Philosophy Compass. 16.5 (2021): 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1111/phc3.12737; A&HCI
  9. “From Ritual Culture to the Classical Confucian Conception of yì.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20.3 (2021). A&HCI
  10. “Constancy and Ultimate: The Space-Time Continuum in Warring States Cosmology.” Journal of Daoist Studies 14 (2021): 1-20. SCOPUS
  11. “Li Zehou’s Reconception of the Classical Confucian Concepts of Autonomy andIndividuality: With a Focus on Reading the Analects Today.” Asian Studies 24.8.1 (2020): 59–75. SCOPUS
  12. “New Poetry from the Turquoise Pond: Women Poets in Eighth and Ninth Century China.” T’ang Studies 37.1 (2019): 59-80. SCOPUS
  13. “East Asian Studies on the Analects.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17.2 (2018): 283-86. DOI 10.1007/s11712-018-9608-8. A&HCI.
  14. “Gender and Early Chinese Cosmology Revisited.” Asian Philosophy 26.4 (2016): 281-93. A&HCI
  15. “Religious and Other Experiences of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China.” T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 102-4-5 (2016): 321-57. A&HCI
  16. “Li Zehou’s Reconception of Confucian Ethics of Emotion.” Philosophy East and West 66.3 (July 2016): 757-86. A&HCI, SSCI
  17. “Unsold Peony: Life and Poetry of the Daoist Priestess-Poet Yu Xuanji in Tang China (618 – 907).” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 35.1 (spring 2016): 25-57. A&HCI
  18. “From Human-Spirit Resonance to Correlative Modes: The Shaping of Chinese Correlative Thinking.” Philosophy East and West 66.2 (April 2016): 449-74. A&HCI, SSCI
  19. “Redefining the Ideal Character: A Comparative Study between the Concept of Detachment in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā and Guo Xiang’s Theory of Eremitism at Court.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14.4 (2015): 1-21. A&HCI
  20. “Longevity Technique and Medical Theory: The Legacy of Tang Daoist Priestess-Physician Hu Yin.” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 63.1 (2015): 1-31. SCOPUS
  21. “Yaochi ji and Three Daoist Priestess-Poets in Tang China.” Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China 2011.2: 13.2 (2011): 205-43. A&HCI
  22. “Orthography of Early Chinese Writing: Evidence from Newly Excavated Manuscripts.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, series 3, 20.1 (2010): 113-15. A&HCI
  23. “Religious Origin of Dao and De and Their Signification in the Laozi.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, series 3, 19.4 (2009): 459-88. AHCI
  24. “Ordinary Mind as the Way.” Philosophy East and West 59.1 (2009): 118-21. A&HCI, SSCI
  25. “From Clan Manners to Ethical Obligation and Righteousness: A New Interpretation of the Term yi.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 17.1 (2007): 1-10 (first author). A&HCI
  26. “Creation and Codification of Monastic Regulations at Mount Baizhang.” Journal of Chinese Religions 33 (2005): 39-59. SCOPUS
  27. “Modern Interpretations of Liushi: The ‘Hermeneutic Circle’ and Its Dissolution.”

Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 52 (2004): 363-80. SCOPUS

  1. “An Interpretation of the Term Fu in Early Chinese Texts: From Poetic Form to Poetic Technique and Literary Genre.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 26 (2004): 55-76. SCOPUS
  2. “Doctrinal Reformation of the Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism.” Journal of

International Association of Buddhist Studies 2001.2: 7-26. SCOPUS

  1.  “An Interpretation of ‘Shi keyi qun’.” T’oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 87 (2001): 1-13. A&HCI, SSCI
  2.  “A Study of the Jinglong wenguan ji.” Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 47 (1999): 209-36. SCOPUS
  3. “The ‘Pearl Scholars’ and the Final Establishment of Regulated Verse.” T’ang Studies 14 (1996): 1-20 (Tang Studies Society, U.S.A.). SCOPUS


其他英文論文20 篇(略)



  1. 《古典禪研究序論》。《禪文化研究所紀要》33 (2016): 207-48 (禪文化研究所, 日本花園大學, ISSN 0289-9604)
  2. 《臨濟義玄生平事迹考辨》。《禪文化研究所紀要》34 (2017): 133-49。


中文論文91 篇(略)


會議論文62 篇(略)



  1. 2004,《香港所藏古籍書目》獲華東地區古籍二等獎
  2. 2002,《漢上題襟集研究》獲《文學遺産》優秀論文獎
  3. 1999,《唐五代文學編年史:五代卷》獲中國圖書獎(中國最高圖書獎)
  4. 2004,《皎然年譜》獲福建省社會科學二
  5. 1994,獲厦門大學九州研究獎
  6. 1993,獲厦門大學嘉熹教學獎



Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton)

National Humanities Center (USA)

World Consortium for Research in Confucian Cultures

International Society for Chinese Philosophy

International Daoist Conference

Tang Studies Society

American Academy of Religion

International Association of Buddhist Studies

Open for Admission