Prof. Guowen Huang, Associate Dean


☎ +853-85902306
⌨ T230


Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, University of Edinburgh

Ph.D. in Functional Linguistics, University of Wales, Cardiff


Current position

Professor of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau

Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau


Working Experience

1996--2016 Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University

2016--2024 Professor, School of Foreign Studies, South China Agricultural University


Courses Taught 

Research Approaches and Ethical Issues (Applied Linguistics compulsory course, Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, City University of Macau)

Evaluating Concepts and Cases in Applied Linguistics (Applied Linguistics compulsory course, Faculty of Humanity and Social Sciences, City University of Macau)

Research Area

Applied Linguistics; Functional Linguistics; Ecolinguistics; Discourse Analysis



Examples of academic books on language and linguistics (over 60 edited books and textbooks)

  • Huang,G.W./黃國文(1988)《語篇分析概要》(Essentials of Text Analysis)。長沙:湖南教育出版社。
  • Berry, M., Butler, C., Fawcett, R. & Huang, G.W. (eds.) (1996) Meaning and Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations -- Studies for Michael Halliday. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex.
  • Huang,G.W./黃國文(1999)《英語語言問題研究》(Aspects of English Studies)。廣州:中山大學出版社。
  • Huang,G.W./黃國文(2001)《語篇分析的理論與實踐》(Discourse Analysis: Theory and Practice)。上海:上海外語教育出版社。
  • Huang,G.W./黃國文(2006)《翻譯研究的語言學探索》(Linguistic Explorations in Translation Studies)。上海:上海外語教育出版社。
  • Huang,G.W. & Zhao, R.H./黃國文、趙蕊華(2019)《什麼是生態語言學》(What Is Ecolinguistics)。上海:上海外語教育出版社。
  • Tucker, G.T., Huang, G.W., Fontaine, L. & McDonald, E. (eds.) (2020) Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar: Convergence and Divergence. Sheffield: Equinox.
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2021)《功能取向——黃國文學術論文自選集》(Functional Orientation: Selected Essays by Huang Guowen)。北京:高等教育出版社。
  • Huang, G.W. & Chen, Y.M./黃國文、陳瑜敏(2021)《系統功能語言學十講》(Ten Lectures on Systemic Functional Linguistics)。上海:上海外語教育出版社。
  • Huang, G.W. (2024) Linguistic Explorations in Translation Studies (translated by Wang, B. & Ma, Y.Y.). Sheffield: Equinox.



Examples of Journal Articles (out of over 100 articles)

  • Fawcett, R.P. & Huang, G.W. (1995) A functional analysis of the enhanced theme construction in English. Interface: Journal of Applied Linguistics 10/1: 113-144.
  • Huang,G.W./黃國文(2000)韓禮德系統功能語言學40年發展述評(Systemic-functional linguistics: Forty years on)。《外語教學與研究》1: 15-21。
  • Huang,G.W. & Zhang, M.F./黃國文、張美芳(2003)從語篇分析角度看翻譯單位的確定 (The identification of the translation unit)。Translation Quarterly, 30: 75-93。
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2009)語法隱喻在翻譯研究中的應用 (The analysis of grammatical metaphor in translation studies)。《中國翻譯》1: 5-9。
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2009)英語“介詞+ -ing”結構的功能語法分析(A systemic functional analysis of the ‘preposition + -ing’ construction in English)。《外語教學與研究》4: 243-249。
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2015)“譯意”和“譯味”的系統功能語言學解釋(Translating meaning and translating underlying meaning: A systemic functional interpretation)。《外語教學與研究》5: 732-742。
  • Zhou, W.J. & Huang, G.W. (2017) Chinese ecological discourse: A Confucian-Daoist inquiry. Journal of Multicultural Discourses 12/3: 264-281.
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2018)M.A.K. Halliday的系統功能語言學理論與生態語言學研究(Hallidayan linguistics and ecolinguistic studies)。《浙江外國語學院學報》5: 31-40。
  • Huang, G.W. (2019) Review of Alwin F. Fill and Hermine Penz, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics. London: Routledge. 2018. Pragmatics and Society 10/2: 322-328.
  • Huang, G.W. & Zhang, P.J./黃國文、張培佳(2020)系統功能語言學的性質、特點及發展(The nature, characteristics and development of Systemic Functional Linguistics)。《現代外語》5: 601-611。
  • Ha, C. C., Huang, G. W., Zhang, J. E. & Dong, S. M. (2021) Assessing ecological literacy and its application based on linguistic ecology: A case study of Guiyang City, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
  • Huang, G.W. & Zhao, R.H. (2021) Harmonious discourse analysis: approaching peoples’ problems in a Chinese context. Language Sciences, 85:101365,
  • Huang, G.W. & Zhao, R.H. (2021) A systemic functional analysis of the “ngp1+vgp+ngp2+ngp3” construction in English. Journal of World Languages. 7/2: 223-246.
  • Zhang, L., Huang, G.W., Li, Y.T. & Bao, S.T. (2021) The application of landsenses ecology in language carriers. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 7: 653-660.
  • Chen, Y. & Huang, G.W./陳暘、黃國文(2022)語言在人與自然和諧共生中的作用——黃國文教授訪談錄(The role of language in the harmonious coexistence of man and nature : An interview with Professor Huang Guowen)。《鄱陽湖學刊》1:36-43。
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2022)我的學術研究的生態轉向(The ecological turn in my academic research)。《鄱陽湖學刊》1: 26-35。
  • Huang, G.W., Wang, B. & Ma, Y.Y. (2022) Developing and contributing to systemic functional translation studies in China: An interview with Professor Guowen Huang. Journal of World Languages.
  • Zhang, L., Huang, G.W., Li, Y.T. & Bao, S.T. (2022) Advancement trajectory of emerging landsenses ecology for sustainability research and implementation. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 7: 641-652.
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2023)語篇中的組合銜接 (Schematic cohesion in text)。《當代修辭學》3:7-12。
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2023)系統功能語言學中的加的夫語法(The Cardiff Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics)。《浙江外國語學院學報》3: 1-24。
  • Huang, G.W./黃國文(2023)新工科、新醫科、新農科、新文科與外語學科建設的關係 (Relationships between construction of New Engineering, New Medical Science, New Agricultural Science and New Liberal Arts and construction of foreign language discipline)。《中國外語》5: 1, 11-17。


Examples of Book Chapters (out of over 40 book chapters)

  • Huang, G.W. & Milroy, L. (1995) Language preference and structures of code-switching. In Graddol, D. and Thomas, S. (eds.) (1995) Language in a Changing Europe. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 35-46.
  • Huang, G.W. (1996) Experiential Enhanced Theme in English. In Berry, M., Butler, C., and Fawcett, R. & Huang, G.W. (eds.) (1996) Meaning and Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations -- Studies for Michael Halliday. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 65-112.
  • Huang, G.W. & Fawcett, R. (1998) Modeling the personal pronouns: A systemic functional approach. In Tsou, B. (ed.) Studia Linguistica Sinica. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, 385-399.
  • Huang, G.W. (2001) The discourse structure of the written “letter to Agony Aunt: reply to letter” schema. In Ren, S.Z., Guthrie, W. & Fong, I.W. (eds.) (2001) Grammar and Discourse: Proceedings of the International Conference on Discourse Analysis. Macau: Publication Centre, University of Macau, 147-155.
  • Zhang, D.L., McDonald, E., Fang, Y. & Huang, G.W. (2005) The development of systemic functional linguistics in China. In Hasan, R., Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. & Webster, J. (eds.) (2005) Continuing Discourse on Language: A Functional Perspective. London: Equinox, 15-36.
  • Huang, G.W. & Wang, J. (2008) A systemic functional approach to code-switching studies: Some Chinese-English examples. In Webster, J. (ed.) (2008) Meaning in Context: Implementing Intelligent Applications of Language Studies. London: Continuum, 130-145.
  • Huang, G.W. (2014) Analyzing the reporting clause in translating Confucius’s Lun Yu (The Analects). In Fang, Y. & Webster, J. (eds.) (2014) Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics: Theory and Application. London: Equinox, 256-270.
  • Huang, G.W. (2017) Foreword: Systemic functional linguistics studies in China. In Webster, J. & Peng, X.W. (eds.) (2017), Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics in China. London: Bloomsbury Academic, ix-xxii.
  • Huang, G.W. (2017) Searching for metafunctional equivalence in translated texts. In Webster, J. & Peng, X.W. (eds.) (2017), Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics in China. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 285-304.
  • Huang, G.W. (2017) Theme in the Cardiff Grammar. In Bartlett, T. & O’Grady, G. (eds.) (2017) The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Routledge, 163-177.
  • Huang, G.W. (2020) From form to meaning in the Cardiff model of language and its use: A functional-syntactic analysis of ‘He has been talking about going to the Grand Canyon with Margaret for many years’. In Tucker, G.T., Huang, G.W., Fontaine, L. & McDonald, E. (eds.) (2020) Approaches to Systemic Functional Grammar: Convergence and Divergence. Sheffield: Equinox, 117-134.


Editorial & Professional Service

·Editor-in-chief, Foreign Languages in China (CSSCI來源期刊《中國外語》主編)

·Editorial board member for Foreign Language Teaching and Research (CSSCI來源期刊《外語教學與研究》編委)

·Editorial board member for Modern Foreign Languages (CSSCI來源期刊《現代外語》(CSSCI來源期刊)編委)

·Editorial board member for Foreign Languages and Their Teaching (CSSCI來源期刊《外語與外語教學》編委)

·Editorial board member for Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages (CSSCI來源期刊《解放軍外國語學院學報》編委)

·Editorial board member for Foreign Language Education in China (CSSCI來源集刊《外語教育研究前沿》編委)

·Advisory board member for Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education (CSSCI來源期刊《外語電化教學》特邀顧問)

·Co-editor, Journal of World Languages (De Gruyter Mouton)

·Editorial board member for Linguistics and the Human Sciences (Equinox)

·Editorial board member for Language Sciences (Elsevier)

· Editorial board member for Language, Context and Text: The Social Semiotics Forum (Benjamins)

· Editorial board member for Researching and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Equinox)

·Co-editor-in-chief for M.A.K. Halliday Library Functional Linguistics Series (Monograph Series) (Springer)

·Editorial board member for Discussions in Functional Approaches to Language (Monograph Series) (Equinox)

·Advisory board member for Bloomsbury Advances in Ecolinguistics (Monograph Series) (Bloomsbury)

·Chair, Guangdong Foreign Languages Society

·Chair, English-Chinese Discourse Analysis Committee, China Association for Comparative Studies of English and Chinese

·Regional representative, The International Ecolinguistics Association (

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