Asst. Prof. Jiajia Liu, Eve


☎ +853-85902560
⌨ T233


Current Position

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau


Academic Qualifications

PhD in Education, The University of Hong Kong

MEd in Educational Leadership, Georgia State University

BA in English Language Education, Guangzhou University


Work Experience

2021-2022    Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Hong Kong

2012-2017    Lecturer, Shantou University


Course Taught

Language teaching pedagogy

Curriculum and materials design

Multilingualism and multilingual education

Intercultural communication

Academic English for social sciences

Academic English for medical purposes

Academic writing


Research Areas

content and language integrated learning (CLIL), multilingualism, multimodality in education, curriculum and pedagogy development, teacher education



Journal Articles  

Liu, J. E., & Lo, Y. Y. (2024). Multimodality in CLIL assessment: implications for teacher assessment literacy. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–19. (SSCI Q1)

Liu, J. E., Lo, Y. Y., & Yang, M. (2023). A critical examination of the interaction between translanguaging pedagogy and students’ beliefs and practices of translanguaging in learning EAP. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20(3), 214-236. (Scopus)

Liu, J. E., Lo, Y. Y., & Xin, J. J. (2023). CLIL teacher assessment literacy: A scoping review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 129, 104150. (SSCI Q1)

Snow, D., & Liu, J. E. (2023). The language of Chaozhou songbooks. Global Chinese, 9(1), 49-68. (Scopus)

Liu, J. E. (2022). Book review of Translanguaging in multilingual English classrooms: An Asian perspective and contexts, by Viniti Vaish (Springer).  RELC Journal, 53(2), 480-482. (SSCI Q1)

Liu, J. E., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2021). (Re)conceptualizing “Language” in CLIL: Multimodality, translanguaging and trans-semiotizing in CLIL. AILA Review, 34(2), 242-264. (ESCI & Scopus)

Liu, J. E., Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2020). Translanguaging pedagogy in teaching English for Academic Purposes: Researcher-teacher collaboration as a professional development model. System, 92. (SSCI Q1) (Selected as one of the most cited articles published in 2020-2023 from System.)

Liu, J., & Fang, F. G. (2017). Perceptions, awareness and perceived effects of home culture on intercultural communication: Perspectives of university students in China. System67, 25-37. (SSCI Q1)


Book Chapters

Liu, J. E., & Lo, Y. Y. (forthcoming). Multimodal design of EMI assessment tasks: The interplay between language, visuals, and cognitive demands. In F. V. Lim & J. K. Pun (Eds.), Designing Learning with Multimodality in English Medium of Education (EME) Classrooms across Asia. Bloomsbury.

Beltrán-Palanques, V., Liu, J. E., & Lin, A. M. Y. (forthcoming). Translanguaging in Language Teacher Education: A Systematic Review. In Z. Tajeddin & T. S. C. Farrell. (Eds.), Handbook of Language Teacher Education: Critical Review and Research Synthesis. Springer.

Liu, J. E., Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2024). Strategic translanguaging and trans-semiotizing in an English for Academic Purposes class: A multimodal analysis. In V. Beltrán-Palanques & E. Bernad-Mechó (Eds.), Current Trends in EMI and Multimodality in Higher Education (pp. 155-183). Routledge.

Yang, M., & Liu, J. E. (2021). Writing a literature review: Reading to synthesize and scaffolding your literature review. In M. Yang (Ed.), English for Academic Purposes curriculum design: Theoretical construction and empirical studies (pp. 101-112). Peking University Medical Press.

Yang, M., & Liu, J. E. (2021). Writing a literature review: Voicing yourself. In M. Yang (Ed.), English for Academic Purposes curriculum design: Theoretical construction and empirical studies (pp. 113-123). Peking University Medical Press.


Invited Talks

Liu, J. E. (2024, May). A critical examination of the interaction between translanguaging pedagogy and students’ beliefs and practices of translanguaging in learning EAP. Invited talk at The 3rd Conference on Sociocultural Theory & Foreign Language Education, Guangzhou, China.

Liu, J. E. (2022, April). Trans-semiotizing in developing academic literacies: Structure and learner agency. Invited seminar at Multimodality SIG, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


Conference Presentations

Liu, J. E., & Xu, Y. (2024, May). Teaching multimodal literacy in the English language classroom: Teachers’ perceptions and reported practices. Redesigning pedagogy international conference (RPIC) 2024, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Liu, J. E., & Chan, S. (2024, May). Exploring a pedagogical framework for developing multimodal literacy through researcher-teacher collaboration. Redesigning pedagogy international conference (RPIC) 2024, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Lo, Y. Y., Xin, J., & Liu, J. E. (2023, July). CLIL teachers’ perceptions and practices of assessment: Implications for CLIL teachers’ assessment literacy. International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) World Congress, Lyon, France.

Lo, Y. Y., Liu, J. E., & Xin, J. J. (2023, May). A multiple-case study of teachers’ assessment practices in content and language integrated learning programs. AERA Annual Meeting. (Virtual session)

Liu, J. E., & Lo, Y. Y. (2023, March). Multimodal design of EMI assessment tasks: The visual, verbal, and cognitive interplay. The 57th RELC International Conference, Singapore.

Liu, J. E., Lo, Y. Y., & Lin, A. M. Y. (2021, August). Developing CLIL teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge with multilingual and multimodal approaches: A design based research study. AILA World Congress, Groningen, the Netherlands. (Virtual Conference)

Liu, J. E. (2021, June). Exploring systematic and strategic use of multimodality in teaching English for Academic Purposes. The 6th International Conference Asia-Pacific Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) & Professional Communication Association, Hong Kong SAR, China. (Virtual Conference)

Liu, J. E., Lo, Y. Y., & Yang, M. (2021, April). Translanguaging in assessment: Practices and perceptions from students in an English for Academic Purposes course at a Chinese university. Shantou University English Language Center The 10th International Conference, Shantou, China. (Virtual Conference)

Liu, J. E. (2019, October). Developing translanguaging as a pedagogical approach to teaching English for Academic Purposes: A teacher-researcher collaborative endeavor. Monash Education Research Community (MERC) 2019 Annual Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Liu, J. E. (2019, April). Getting access and voicing oneself: Integrating translanguaging and critical pragmatic EAP. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Liu, J. E. (2018, December). Strategic use of multimodality to develop academic literacies. Faculty of Education Research Postgraduate Conference (RPC), The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.

Liu, J. E., & Fang, F. (2016, May). The effects of perceptions and awareness of home cultures on intercultural communication: A case of university students in China. National University of Singapore Center for English Language Communication (CELC) Symposium 2016, Singapore.


Research Projects

Multimodal literacy of English language teachers: A study of the current status and development strategy in the Greater Bay Area. Principal Investigator, Macau Foundation Research Grant. (2023-2024)

Conceptualising assessment literacy of teachers in CLIL programmes. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research Grants Council, General Research Fund, Hong Kong SAR. (2022)

School-based diversity management research. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Hong Kong SAR. (2021)


Professional Services

(2022 - Present) Reviewer for international journals: Linguistics and Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, Learning and Instruction, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, International Journal of Educational Development, TESOL Journal, English Teaching and Learning, Educational Linguistics

(2022 - Present) Reviewer for international publishers: Multilingual Matters, Springer

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