Asst. Prof. Jiarui Hou, Eric


☎ +853-85902227


Given Name and Surname

Jiarui Hou, Eric       侯嘉睿

Academic Qualifications

PhD in Applied Linguistics, University of New South Wales, Sydney

Dissertation: An eye-tracking study of the differential effects of mobile phone, tablet, computer, and paper media on incidental second language vocabulary acquisition and second language reading comprehension

Co-supervisors: Prof. James Lee and Prof. Stephen Doherty

MA in Applied Linguistics, Hainan University

Thesis: A comparative study on vocabulary learning with mobile phone and paper dictionaries

Supervisor: Prof. Yuan Feng

MA in Applied Linguistics, Taiwan ILan University (Exchange Program)

BA in Broadcasting and Hosting Arts (English Orientation), Ping Dingshan University




Academic Services

External Reviewer:

Computers & Education (SSCI Q1; IF = 12.00; Education: No. 1/269)

Computer Assisted Language Learning (SSCI Q1; IF = 7.00; Linguistics: No. 3/206)

Courses Taught

BOE413 Educational Technology

BOE414 Educational Research Methodology

Research Areas / Research Interests

Language acquisition and educational technology

Incidental word learning and reading research

Cognitive learning processes using eye-tracking methodology

Mobile assisted language learning

Latest Publications

Hou*, J., Lee, J., & Doherty, S. (2022)A study of the effects of mobile media on L2 text processing: Beyond offline comprehension accuracy measures. Computers & Education, 182, 1-12.*First and corresponding author)

Hou*, J., Lee, J., & Doherty, S. (2022). The effects of mobile-assisted reading on incidental L2 word learning: A processing perspective. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1-36.*First and corresponding author)

Conference and Seminar Presentations and Acceptances

Hou, J. 2021. ‘Language technology’, presented at Invited Seminar, Hainan University, Hainan, China, September 14.

Hou, J. 2021. ‘Differential effects of four media on L2 word learning and text comprehension: An eye-tracking study’, accepted by JALTCALL (Japan Association for Language Teaching for Computer-Assisted Language Learning) International Conference, Hirosaki Gakuin University, Hirosaki, Aomori, June 4-6.

Hou, J. 2019. ‘The effects of mobile devices on second language vocabulary acquisition: An eye-tracking study’, accepted by AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) International Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 9-12.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘Effects of mobile devices on reading comprehension: An eye-tracking study’, accepted and presented at ALAA (Applied Linguistics Association of Australia) International Conference, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, November 26-28.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘An eye-tracking study of the effects of mobile device-based reading on second language reading comprehension’, accepted and presented at HAL PG Conference (Practising Humanities), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, September 27.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘Mobile technology to enhance second language learning: An eye-tracking study’, accepted and presented at 3 Minute Thesis Final Competition (Grand Final), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, September 17. Presentation video link goes to

Hou, J. 2018. ‘The effects of mobile devices on L2 reading comprehension: An eye-tracking pilot study’, accepted by GloCALL International Conference on Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Xi’ an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, China, August 16-18.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘The effects of mobile devices on second language reading comprehension: An eye-tracking study’, accepted and presented at FASS PG Conference (Headways: Progress and New Directions in Arts and Social Sciences), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, July 20.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘Mobile technology to enhance second language learning: An eye-tracking study’, accepted and presented at 3 Minute Thesis Competition (Faculty Level), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, July 16.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘An eye-tracking study of the effects of word exposure frequency on incidental second language vocabulary acquisition from reading’, accepted and presented (Poster Session) at Australian Eye-Tracking International Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, April 26-28.

Hou, J. 2018. ‘The effects of mobile devices on incidental second language word learning and reading comprehension: An eye tracking study’, accepted and presented at Talking about Your Research Workshop Series, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, April 3.

Hou, J. 2015. ‘A comparative study of acceptance and efficacy between mobile phone and paper dictionaries in vocabulary retention’, accepted and presented at GLoCALL International Conference, Pai Chai University, Daejeon, South Korea, November 12-14.

Research Project

2018-2021, PI, An eye-tracking study of the differential effects of mobile phone, tablet, computer, and paper media on incidental second language vocabulary acquisition and second language reading comprehension, Higher Degree Research Committee, University of New South Wales, Sydney (No. HC180232).

Honours and Awards (Fundings)

Double A Ratings for PhD dissertation: 7 Outstanding (highest) and 3 Excellent (2nd highest) out of 10 rating statements

CSC Scholarship (Tuition Waiver and Stipend; about 240,000 AU$) from China Scholarship Council

Completion Scholarship and Stipend (about 30,000 AU$) from Australian Commonwealth Government

Hardship Scholarship (2,000 AU$) from FASS, UNSW Sydney

Equity Top-up Scholarship (7,500 AU$) from FASS, UNSW Sydney

Overseas International Conference Sponsorship (2,600 AU$) from UNSW Sydney

People’s Choice Award, 3 Minute Thesis Competition from FASS, UNSW Sydney

National Postgraduate Excellence Award (20,000 CHN$) from Ministry of Education, China

Overseas International Conference Sponsorship (about 19,000 CHN$) from Hainan University

Graduate Student Technological Innovation Award from Hainan University

Tuition Waiver Scholarship for MA program from Hainan University

Tuition Waiver Scholarship for Exchange Graduate Student Program from Department of Foreign Affairs, Hainan University

Research Student Representative printed in both hard and e-copy flyers for overseas promotion of UNSW Sydney

Student Ambassador of Confucius Institute at UNSW Sydney

Technical Expertise

Expert level for eye-tracking data’s collection, processing, and analysis.

Advanced level to use SPSS for ANOVA, ANCOVA, factorial, and regression analyses.

Mixed-effects modelling skills using generalised/general liner regression are approaching an advanced level.

Final Notes

Researchers in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and their combined areas with cognition have made global impact. Notably, Buschman and Miller (Science, 2007) explored attention control in the prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices, and Baddeley (Science, 1992) studied human working memory. These studies highlight the importance of interdisciplinary research and reshape our understanding of the world!

I am always enthusiastic about interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers who share interests in, but not limited to, second language reading, vocabulary learning, technology mediated learning, and/or eye-tracking. If you are interested, feel free to reach out to me!

Open for Admission