Prof. Pei Sun



☎ +853-85902307


Academic Qualifications

1986-1993:Shaanxi Normal University, Bachelor/master's degree

1993-1996:Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D.


Professional Memberships

Society for Neuroscience

American Association of Psychology

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Psychology


Academic Experience

1996-1998:Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoc

1998-2002:Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant/Associate Professor

2002-2013:  RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Research Scientist

2013-2024:  Tsinghua University, Associate Professor

2024-now:   City University of Macau, Professor


Research Area / Research Interests

Mental Health, Neuroscience, Affective Computing






Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years)


  1. Chen, M. S., Bi, K., Han, X., Sun, P.*, Bonanno, G. A.* (in press). Emotion regulation flexibility and momentary affect in two cultures. Nature Mental Health.
  2. Chen S*, Bi K, Sun P.* and Bonanno G. (2022) Psychopathology and Resilience Following Strict COVID-19 Lockdowns in Hubei, China: Examining Person- and Context-Level Predictors for Longitudinal Trajectories. American Psychologist.
  3. Tian, Y. &, Tan, Z., Hou, H., Li, G., Cheng, A., Qiu, Y., Weng, K., Chen, C., Sun, P.* (2022). Theoretical foundations of studying criticality in the brain. Network Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1162/netn_a_00269
  4. Tian, Y., Sun, P.* (2022). Percolation may explain efficiency, robustness, and economy of the brain. Network Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1162/netn_a_00246.
  5. Yang, T., Zhang, L.L., Xu, G., Luo, Y., Li, Z., Zhong, K., Shi, B., Zhao, L., Sun, P.* (2021). Investigating taste perception chemesthetic sensation and their relationship with emotion perception in Chinese young and older adults. Food Quality and Preference. 96(10):104406
  6. Han X, Chen S*, Bi K, Yang Z and Sun P.* (2021) Depression Following COVID-19 Lockdown in Severely, Moderately, and Mildly Impacted Areas in China. Front. Psychiatry 12:596872. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.596872
  7. Yang, T.*, Yang, Z., Xu, G., Gao, D., Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Han, L. Zhu, Z., Tiang, Y., Huang, Y., Zhao, L., Zhong, K., Shi, B., Li, J., Fu, S., Liang, P., Sun, P.* (2020) Tsinghua Facial Expression Database - A Database of Facial Expressions in Chinese Young and Older Women and Men: Development and Validation. PLOS One. 15(4): e0231304. Pone.0231304
  8. 彭凱平,孫沛,倪士光,《中國積極心裡測評手冊》,清華大學出版社,2022
  9. 孫沛,魯小華,《心理评估:过程、诊断与技术》,人民郵電出版社,2024



Research Projects (recent 5 years)

  1. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 62277034, 数智时代真实学习情境下高阶思维能力的形成机理及评价研究, 2023 至 2026, 参与
  2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 32272454, NaCl纳米晶/羟基山椒素@磷脂复合物自乳化体系增 强咸味感知作用及机制研究, 2023 至 2026,  参与

Open for Admission