Assoc. Prof. Jing Li


☎ +853-85902983


Academic Qualifications

2009 Ph.D. in Classical Chinese Philology, Fudan University, Shang Hai, China

2006 M.Phil. in Classical Chinese Literature, Sichuan University, Cheng Du, China

1999 Bachelor in Chinese Education, Henan University, Kai Feng, China


Current Position

Associate Professor, General Education Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau.


Working Experience

2016-2022, Assistant Professor (Full-time), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, City University of Macau.

2012-2016, Research Associate (Full-time), Centre for Daoist Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2009-2012, Postdoctoral Fellow (Full-time), Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2015.1-12, Visiting Lecturer (Part-time), Department of Chines Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Research Area

Daoism history and literature

Buddhism history and literature

Early medieval Chinese literature

Religion, temple and cults in Macau

Macau culture and intangible cultural heritage




LI Jing(2021)•Xianyuan bianzhu & Sandong qunxianlu jiaozheng[The Proofreading and Textual Research of The String of pearls from the immortal garden & A Story Collection of the Immortals of Three Caverns], Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, forthcoming.

LI Jing,& LAI Chi Tim(2013)•Collection of Stele Inscriptions of the Daoist Temples of Guangzhou, Hong Kong: Joint Publishing, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company.


Articles and Book Chapters:

LI Jing (2022). “Heresy, Discourse and Emotion: A Sociological Perspective on the Persecution of Chan Master Shilian Dashan”, Tommaso Previato (ed.) Fear, Heresy and Crime in Traditional China: Toward an Anthropological History of Emotion and Its Social Management, Brill. [forthcoming]

LI Jing (2022). “Distinction between Discourses and Historical Records: A Discussion on the Use of Raw Data in the Research of Chan Master Shilian Dashan”, New Sinology, vol.22, Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 2022. “區分話語體系與文獻記載:石濂大汕研究中的材料運用原則平議”, 《新國學》vol.22] [forthcoming,in Chinese]

LI Jing (2021). A Preliminary Research of Sandong Qunxian Lu (The Records of the Multitude of Immortals of Three Caverns), Journal of the Institute for Chinese Classics Studies (Nanjing University), Vol 24-2, 209-219. [in Chinese] (CSSCI)

LI Jing (2021). A Brief Study on the Original Sources of the “Dongzhen jing” in the Lyric of Dwelling on Mountain by Xie Lingyun., Religious Studies, vol.3, 32-35. [in Chinese] (CSSCI)

LI Jing (2021). Mount Kun and Mr. An Qi: A New Interpretation of the Poem “On Climbing the Solitary Island in the River” by Xie Lingyun (385–433) and the Relationship to his Knowledge of the Hagiology of Master Ma in the early period of Highest Clarity School scriptures, Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 14, 81-100. [in Chinese] (TSSCI)

LI Jing (2021). Dongxuan lingbao dingguanjing zhu (synopsis)., in Lai Chi Tim ed., A Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 326-332. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2021). Dongxuan lingbao zhutian shijie zaohuajing (synopsis)., in Lai Chi Tim ed., A Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 339-342. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2021). Taishang dongxuan lingbao guowang xingdaojing (synopsis)., in Lai Chi Tim ed., A Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 297-300. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2021). Taiqing Yuandao Zhenjing (synopsis)., in Lai Chi Tim ed., A Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 468-469. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2021). Taishang Huangting Zhongjingjing zhu (synopsis)., in Lai Chi Tim ed., A Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 492-495. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2021). A Textual Research on Two Jia Song in Tang and Song Dynasties, Xin Guoxue, vol.20, Chengdu: Sichuan University Press, 132-143. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2020). A Textual Research on the lost Biographies of Daoist Masters, in Jia Jinhua & Bai Zhaojie eds., Zhongguo zongjiao yanjiu xinshiye: xin yuwenxue de qishi [A New Perspective for Chinese Religion Research: the Enlightenment of New Philology], Beijing: China Religious Culture Publisher, 251-281. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2020). “An Analysis of ‘Share a branch’ in Xie Ling-yun’s Poem ‘I Set out from Gui-lai and the Three Waterfalls to Look at the Twin Streams’”, in Shuiliu huakai: jingdian xingsu yu wenben chanshi guoji xueshu lunwenji [Blossom in flowing stream: A Collection of Essays of the International Conference on the Formation of Classics and the Interpretation of Texts], Shanghai: Chinese and Western Book Company, 44-58. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2019). The Stone House, Spirit Space, and Xie Ling-yun’s Concept of Daoism: A New Interpretation of the Poem ‘Stone House Mountain’, Journal of the Institute for Chinese Classics Studies ( Nanjing University), Vol 22-1, 11-21. [in Chinese] (CSSCI)

 LI Jing (2019). “An Analysis of ‘Share a branch’ in Xie Ling-yun’s Poem ‘I Set out from Gui-lai and the Three Waterfalls to Look at the Twin Streams’”, in Jiang Yiqiao ed., The Culture of Six Dynasties and JapanBased on the Research of Xie Lingyun, Bensei Publishing, 54-66. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2019). “An Analysis of ‘Share a branch’ in Xie Ling-yun’s Poem ‘I Set out from Gui-lai and the Three Waterfalls to Look at the Twin Streams’”. Chinese Poetry, Vol.26 (2019), 60-70. [in Chinese] (CSSCI)

LI Jing (2017). “A Textual Research on the lost Biographies of Daoist Masters.” Daoism, Religion, History and Society, Vol. 9, 41-76. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2017).New Perspectives on the Influence that the Zhengao Had on Tang Poetry. Zhong Hua Wen Shi Lun Cong (Journal of Chinese Literature and History), 123, 231-247. [in Chinese](CSSCI)

LI Jing (2017). “A Case Study on the Dissemination of the Sanshan Guowang Worship in Guangdong.”  Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture Newsletter 45(2017), 1-5. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2016). “A Brief Introduction of the Daoist Studies in Macau.” Taoist News (Singapore), Vol.48(2016), 2016: 5-9. [in Chinese]

 LI Jing (2016). “Composition for the poems: A Preliminary Discussion on Promoting Chinese Poems an Lyrics through Music.”, in Jane Zheng and Chunqi Fan (eds.), 2016, Dangdai Yayun: Wenhua Guanli Tuiguang Shici Gongzuofang Shishu ji Xueshu Sanwenji 當代雅韻——“文化管理推廣詩詞工作坊”詩書及學術文集 [Elegant Rhythms: The Cultural Management Approach to Promoting Classical Poetry and Collected Poem, Calligraphy and Academic Essays], (Hong Kong: Calligraphy and Art Press). (In Chinese)

LI Jing (2016).The Chinese University of Hong Kong Daoism Digital Museum Progress Report. Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture Newsletter, 409-10. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2013). Textual Research on the Source and Editions of Taizhen Yudi Sijimingke Jing. Han Xue Yan Jiu (Sino- logical Studies), 31(3), 329-361. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2011). A Report on the Research and Publication of Collection of Daoist Temple Inscriptions in Guangdong (Vol. Guangzhou Fu)Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture Newsletter, 21, 1-4. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2010). On Economical Materials in Taoist Inscriptions of Guangzhou. (Water Conservancy)Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture Newsletter20, 5-6. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2010). A new Survey on the time of Shangqing Dongzhen Zhihui Guanshen Dajie Wen. Zhong Hua Wen Shi Lun Cong (Journal of Chinese Literature and History), 100, 105-109. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2009). On Shangqing Yuantong Jingmu Zhuxu.” Guoxue YanjiuStudies in Sinology, 23, 115-35. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2009). A textual research of Xue Xian Zan in Daoist Ritual during Tang Dynasty. Zhongguoxue YanjiuSinology Studies12, 227-230. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2008). Textual Exploration on Xuzhangshi Jiuguan TanBei. Zong Jiao Xue Yan Jiu (Religious Studies), 80, 190-93. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2008). Baozhi Shikuai Wenxian Yinlu Lueshu. Wen Xian (Documents), 2, 170-80.

LI Jing (2006). A New Discussion about the Forming of the Belief and the Story of Baozhi’s Being Eleven-faced Bodhisattva of Compassion. Xin GuoxueNew Sinology, 6,89-107. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2006). A Textual research of Jiuzuo Chan Master. Zong Jiao Xue Yan Jiu (Religious Studies), 70, 147-51. [in Chinese]

LI Jing (2005). Comment on Bao-zhi and hour to hour of Zheng, A-cai's Tang Buddhist Literature and Common Songs. Pu Men Xue Bao (Universal Gate Buddhist Journal), 25, 359-68. [in Chinese]


Conference Papers:

LI Jing (2015, Dec).Rethinking the Influence of Zhen-gao on Tang PoetryPaper presented at Conference on Daoism and Literature. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, HKBU.

LI Jing (2011, July).Lu Xiu Jing and Shangqing Daoist Scriptures.”, Paper presented at Symposium on Classical Chinese Literature and Texts in middle Ages of China. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University, Shang Hai, FDU.

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