Yi-Duo YE, Doctor




Academic Qualifications

Doctoral student in education, the history of education (majoring in the history of school guidance), Fujian Normal University
Master student in education, development and educational psychology, Fujian Normal University
Bachelor student in education, school education, Fujian Normal University


Current Position

Professor, Doctoral supervisor, Postdoctoral co-tutor in college of education at Fujian Normal University
Adjunct professor, Doctoral supervisor in  Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at City University of Macau
Adjunct professor in Institute of Education at Xiamen University
Adjunct professor in Fujian Institute of Education
Endowed Professor,  Acadamic Dean in Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Minjiang Teachers College
Director of Fujian School Education Guidance Center
Vice Director of Professional Committee of Psychological Consultants at Fujian Vocational Skill Appraisal Center


Working Experience

2003-2012  Dean of Psychology, Head of the Subject Psychology in college of education at Fujian Normal University


Courses Taught

2016/2017 Academic Year 1st semester

MP004  Personality Psychology
DP002 Social Psychology

2015/2016 Academic Year 1st semester

MP003 History of Psychology    
DP002 Social Psychology


Research Area

Mental Health
School Education of Mental Health (School Guidance) 
Adolescent Psychology
Psychological Research on Special Groups


Researches and Publications

Ye Yi-Duo, Ye Shen As Chief Editor,Graduate Mental Health Reading,Higher Education Press, 2017,280 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Case Series on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education (8 copies), 2017, 1 850 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Tutor on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education , Fujian Education Press, 2015, 585 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Full Staff Training Courses on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education , Fujian Education Press, 2015, 420 000 words. 
Ye Yi-Duo, The Development History of Taiwan School Guidance, (Taiwan) Psychology Press, 2013, 360 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Mental Health on Primary School Students (12 copies)、Mental Health on Middle School Students (Grades 7-9, 3 copies), Fujian Education Press, 2012(3rd Editorion), 960 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Mental Health on Middle School Students (Senior Middle School, 3 copies), Fujian Education Press, 2013(3rd Editorion), 700 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Teacher’s Book of Mental Health on Primary School Students、Teacher’s Book of Mental Health on Middle School Students, Fujian Education Press, 2013, 1 190 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo, A Study on the Development of Taiwan School Guidance, Fujian Education Press, 2011, 480 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Tutor on Public Psychology in the New Curriculum Background, Higher Education Press, 2009(2nd Editorion), 360 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo, Psychology Gudiance Courses and Its Teaching, New Buds Publishing House, 2008, 340 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo, Yan You-wei,Mental Health Education, Fujian Education Press, 2008, 220 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Practical Series on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education(6 copies), Fujian Education Press, 2008, 1 450 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo, Ren Zhi-hong As Chief Editor,Mental Power on the University Entrance Exam, Kaiming Press, 2005, 220 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo, Research on Modern School Mental Health Education, Kaiming Press, 2003, 300 000 words.
Huang Dong-xi, Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Exploration and Practice on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education, Chinese International Press, 2002, 250 000 words.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor, Psychology Textbook, Xiamen Universtiy Press, 1998(2nd Editorion), 300 000 words.
Lin Chong-de, Yu Guo-liang As Chief Editor,Ye Yi-Duo As Editor (Chapter I), Interpretations for Guidance on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education(2012 Revision), Beijing  Normal University Press, 2013, 460 000 words.
Chen Bi-tao As Chief Editor,Ye Yi-Duo As Editor (Chapter 21), Introduction of Social Science, Social Sciences AcademicPress, 2011, 580 000 words.
Chen Bi-tao As Chief Editor,Ye Yi-Duo As Editor, The Development of Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education in Our Country, Kaiming Press, 2010, 500 000 words.
Liu Hua-shan, Jiang Guang-rong As Chief Editor,Ye Yi-Duo As Editor (Chapter 6), Counseling Psychology, Huadong Normal University Press, 2010, 380 000 words. 


Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ), The concept, measurement, influencing factors and  effects of relative deprivation, Advances in Psychological Science, 2016,24(3):438-453.
Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ),Zeng xin, Intervention Experiment of Migrant Children’s Mental Health: Based on the Orientation of Dual-Factor Model and Integrative Education Intervention, Psychological Exploration, 2016,36(4):378-384.
Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ), The Structure, Effects and Intervention of Positive Psychological Capital, Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 2016,14(6):842-849.
Ye Yi-duo, Lai Yun-cheng, Development of Interpersonal Sensitivity Questionnaire for Middle School Students, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2015,23(6):1009-1013.
Yu Xiang-lian, Ren Zhi-hong, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ), The Effects of Interword Spacing in Chinese Text Reading: A Meta-analysis Based on Eye Movements Research,Advances in Psychological Science,2015,23(11):1894-1909.
Ye Yi-duo, Fang Bi-ji, Compilation of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire for Adolescent Students,Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2015, (2):135-141.
Feng Hao-yu, Ye Yi-duo, Review of the basic question in consumer innovation research,Journal of Advertising Study, 2014, (1):4-11.
Li Xiao-xin, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ),Guo Yong-yu, Development and Validation of Chinese College Students’ Happiness Questionnaire, Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 2014,12(2):226-230.
Lai Yun-cheng, Ye Yi-duo,The Concept,Measurement,Influencing Factors and
Effects of Interpersonal Sensitivity,Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),  2014(2):157-165.
Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo,The Concept,Measurement,Influencing Factors and Effects of Psychological Capital, Journal of East China Normal University(Educational Sciences),  2014,32(3):84-92.
Lai Yun-cheng, Ye Yi-duo,Cheng Zao-huo, Relationship between Parenting Styles and Interpersonal Sensitivity in Middle School Students, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,  2014,22(5):908-910、907
Feng Hao-yu, Ye Yi-duo, Smell the Fragrance and Discern the Brand-Olfactory Psychology and Fragrance Marketing, Modern Advertising,2013(6): 61-66.
Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ), The Relationship Between the Social Support of Farmer-Turned Migrant Workers' Children and Their Subjective Well-Being : the Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem,Chinese Journal of Special Education,  2013(6):80-87.
Ye Yi-duo, Xiong Meng, The Effect of Groups Belonging on Mental Health among the Children of Farmers Who Worked in City in China,Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),  2013(4):156-166.
Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo, Influencing factors of subjective well-being among college students,Chinese Journal of Public Health,  2012,28(9):1222-1224.
Xiong Meng, Ye Yi-duo(corresponding author ), Mental Health for the Children of Farmers Who Worked in City in China,Advances in Psychological Science, 2011,(12): 1798-1813.
Ye,Y.D.& Fang,B.J.(2010). The development of school psychological services in the Chinese mainland:A Chinese perspective, School Psychology International.  Vol.31(5):521-530.(SSCI)
Ye Yi-duo,On the Effective Interaction between Mental Health Education and Education of Thought Politic in University,  Leading Journal of Ideological & Theoretical Education, 2009(7):108-111.
Ye Yi-duo,The Student Guidance System of "Teaching Training and Guiding” three-in-one in Taiwan's universities and its implications,Studies in Ideological Education,  2009(5):74-77.
Ye Yi-duo,Mental Health Education Should Be  Institutionalized,China Education Daily,July 6, 2009.
Ye Yi-duo,The Past Twenty Years of Mental Health Education in the Mainland of China,Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2008(6):148-155.
Li Ya-Zhen, Ye Yi-duo, etc., A Study on Characteristics of College Students' Career Maturity and Its Relation to Self-identity,Psychological Science, ,2008(2):447-450.
Bai Li-ying, Ye Yi-duo, etc., Relationship of Mental Health of High School Students of She Nationality and Their Family Environment, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology,  2006(6):624-626.
Shen Yan-e, Ye Yi-duo, A Study Between Primary and Secondary School Teachers' Coping Styles and the Related Factors,Psychological Science, ,2004(6):1523-1525.
Ye Yi-duo,The Mental Health Mechanism among Students and Their Implications for the Mental Health of the University,Studies in Ideological Education,  2004(5):37-40.
Ye Yi-duo, Shen Yan-e,A Review on Cope and Coping Styles,Psychological Science, ,2002(6):755-756.
Ye Yi-duo,A Number of Problems on Mental Health Education Permeating in Subject Teaching,  Journal of The Chinese Society of Education, 2004(3):18-21.
Ye Yi-duo,Mental Health Standards and the Realization to the researches,Southeast Academic Research, 2001(6):169-175.
Ye Yi-duo,On "Value Participation" in Guidance and Counseling,Journal of Fujian Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2001(4):125-130.
Ye Yi-duo, Analysis of Students in the Medium-and-upper-elementary Grades Identifying the Chinese Idioms by the Signal Detection Theory,Acta Psychologica Sinica, 1985(1):86-91.


Research Projects(part)
The General Project of the Humanities and Social Sciences Studies Funded by the Ministry of Education,15YJAZH100, The relative deprivation and intervention of disadvantaged children under the view of harmonious society,2015/09-2018/09,Under research,Host.
General Project of Social Science Planning in Fujian Province,2014B249, The construction to the model of mental departing for the  cults understands based on the Theory of Roots, 2014/12-2016/12,Finished,Host.
The General Project of the Humanities and Social Sciences Studies Funded by the Ministry of Education,13YJA190016, Specific Change of Attentional Biases Caused by Insomnia in Adolescent and Its Interventions,2013/05-2015/07,Finished,Participant。
Project Entrusted by Civilization Office of Fujian Province,HI-251,Research on Mental Health and Guidance of Minors in Fujian Province,2011/03-2012/03,Finished,Host.
The Planning Project Funded by  the Ministry of Education Subjected to the National Education Science "the 11th Five-year Plan" ,FFB108082,Research on the Mental Health of the Children of Migrant Workers in the Primary and Middle Schools in Urban and the Integrated Education Intervention,2010/08-2013/08,Finished,Host.
Special Project Funded by the First Department of Basic Education in the Ministry of Education,2008A0203,A Survey on the Development of the Construction of Mental Health Education Teachers Group in Primary and Middle Schools,2009/01-2009/09,Finished,Host.



Academic Rewards

Xiong Meng(Supervisor:Ye Yi-Duo):Relative Deprivation of Migrant Children: Characte:rustics, Influencing, Factors and Mechanism,Excellent  Doctoral Dissertation of Fujian Province,The Academic Degrees Committee of Fujian Province, the Education Department of Fujian Province,2016,3.
Ye Yi-duo:A Study on the Development of Taiwan School Guidance,the Third Prize in the 10th Social Science Excellent Award of Fujian Province, Fujian People's Government,2013,12.
Ye Yi-duo,Psychologist Identified by the Chinese Psychological Society,2011.
Ye Yi-duo,the Award for Excellence in Social Contributions Awarded by the International Association for Positive Psychology (IPPA) ,2010.
Shao Yong-hong, Ye Yi-duo, etc, the Practical Exploration to the School-based Courses of Primary School Mental Health Education,the First Prize of Curriculum Reform and Teaching Research Achievement of Elementary Education in Fujian province,the Education Department of Fujian Province,2010,6.
Ye Yi-duo: Course and Teaching of Psychological Guidance,the Third Prize in the 8th Social Science Excellent Award of Fujian Province, Fujian People's Government, 2009,11. 
Ye Yi-duo As Chief Editor,Practical Series on Primary and Middle School Mental Health Education,the Second Prize of Excellent Educational Book in Eastern China in 2008,2009,10.
Ye Yi-Duo As Chief Editor:Mental Health on Middle School Students,the Third Prize in the 7th Social Science Excellent Award of Fujian Province, Fujian People's Government,2007,12. 
Ye Yi-duo,Selected for New Century Talents Project of Fujian Province,2006. 
Ye Yi-duo,Jointly Awarded the “Ten Best Experts” in the 1st National School Mental Health Education Hosted by the China Education Daily and Other Agencies ,2006. 
Ye Yi-duo:Research on Modern School Mental Health Education,the Third Prize in the 6th Social Science Excellent Award of Fujian Province, Fujian People's Government,2005,11. 
Yu Wen-sen, Ye Yi-duo, etc, Textbook Construction and Teaching Reform of the Subject Public Education in Higher Normal School Facing to the New Curriculum for Elementary Education,the First Prize of Teaching Achievement in Fujian province in 2005,the Education Department of Fujian Province,2005,9.
Ye Yi-duo As Chief Editor:Tutor on Public Psychology in the New Curriculum Background(book),Awarded "Excellent Resources" of National Teachers’ Curriculum Resources in 2004,the Experts Committee of National Teachers’ Curriculum Resources,2004,12.
Shen Yan-e(Supervisor: Ye Yi-duo),A Study on Coping Characteristics and Its Related Factor of Primary and Middle School Teachers,the 1st Prize of the 2nd Graduate Students’ Outstanding Master's Thesis in Fujian Normal University,2003,12.
Wu Cui-ling, Yu Wen-sen, Ye Yi-duo, etc, the Exploration of Integral Teaching Reform to the Public Subjects in Higher NormalSchools,the 2nd Prize of Higher Education Teaching Achievement in Fujian Province in 2001,the Education Department of Fujian Province, 2001,10.
Ye Yi-duo:the Rethinking on the Debate over Introspection,the Third Prize of the 3rd Social Science Excellent Award of Fujian Province, Fujian People's Government,1998,9. 
Ye Yi-duo As Chief Editor:Psychology Textbook,the Third Prize in the 3rd Social Science Excellent Award of Fujian Province, Fujian People's Government,1998,9. 
Ye Yi-duo,Young Teachers Award for National colleges and universities Funded by the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation,the 3rd Prize,1998.
Ye Yi-duo,Selected for  Talents Project of Fujian Province,1995.


Professional Association(Present Positions)

China Youth & Children Research Association(Council Member)
Committee on Theoretical Psychology and History of Psychology to Chinese Psychological Society(Committee Member)
Committee on Crisis Intervention to Chinese Psychological Society(Committee Member)
committee on qualitative research to Chinese Psychological Society(Committee Member)
Committee on cultural psychology to Chinese Association of Social Psychology(Committee Member)
Fujian Psychological Society(Vice Director)
Fujian Youth & Children Research Association(Vice President )
Fujian EQ Research Association(Vice Director )
Fujian  Adolescent Mental Health Education Committee(Director)

Open for Admission