為慶祝5月5日"世界葡萄牙語日",葡萄牙語國家駐華使館於2022年4月1日至5月15日舉行了“全國葡萄牙語徵文比賽”,本院葡萄牙語學士課程二年級生練至美同學,在本院Rafael Lam Cuerva講師指導下,在全國眾多大學中脫穎而出,獲得第三名的優異成績!
不知不覺中學習葡語已過兩個春秋。從字母的拼湊,到詞與詞的連結,到如今能完整寫好一篇文章。一回首,欣喜地發現在各位老師的幫助下已經登上初見時那令人敬畏的 “葡語之山”。在此次寫作的過程中,我加深了對葡語的認識,不只局限於單純的表達,開始嘗試運用更文學性更優美的文字來描繪,我受益匪淺。與此同時,我要感謝Rafael 老師在寫作上激發了我的靈感和興趣,並給予了諸多幫助。我深知我的水平和能力還不足以和獎項相匹配,然而過程遠比結果重要,我在寫作的過程中獲得難以估量的寶貴經驗,得獎的結果也激勵我繼續前行。感恩這次難忘的經歷。
Rafael Lam Cuerva講師指導感言:
Firstly, I was genuinely proud when I received the fantastic news that one of our students from the Portuguese program achieved such an honourable place in a national writing competition in a considerably short period.
Secondly, I am glad to see that May, a student from year 2, accomplished what she worked for along the way, and her effort was optimally rewarded in the end. However, the part that I am most pleased to see was when she inspired herself to build a connection with the Portuguese language by truly engaging with specific cultural reflections and was able to narrate her own story with a creative mind.
With this experience, I believe that it is vital for teachers to help guide students by inspiring their true potential and illustrating the beauty of literacy by empowering them to foster a profound appreciation of the art of expression. Ideally, show our little beginning writers how to paint a scene with the artistry of wordplay.
But most importantly, enabling them to recognize that the foreign language learning process is a gateway to observing the world differently and a stepping stone to getting one step closer to different cultures and understandings.